Delft Student Dance Association Blue Suede Shoes (D.S.D.A. Blue Suede Shoes) aims at providing young dancers of Ballroom and Argentine Tango styles with a social society, within which they can make friends and explore dancing to their heart’s content. There is a variety of dancers and their respective interests, Blue Suede Shoes aims at providing both for the socially invested dancers and the competitive dancers by means of group activities, high quality workshops and social events. Making the association more attractive to new students taking classes and keeping the independent advanced dancers involved with it is essential. For this reason, the association strives to structure itself horizontally, with the experienced dancers actively involved with the beginners by helping at practice hours.
Open & Diverse
Blue Suede Shoes is an international association with English as the main language. We do not maintain policies like an introduction period or subscription deadlines. Everyone can walk in on our activities and become a member whenever they want. Many of our activities are open for not-members, so make sure you come by. During the OWee we are present at the Infomarket and Search @ X, so we hope to see you there!
Founded on the 23rd of September 2016.
Our founders and first board were Marit van de Kamp, Marieke Janssen, Matei Tene and Lanleigh Wheeler. They felt in Delft there was a serious need for more opportunities to practice dancing and to have events to socialize with other dancers. Moreover, the active dancers in Delft wanted to join the student ballroom competitions. After participating in the team of other universities for several years, it was finally time to start an own team, team Delft.
By starting the association, the founding members wanted to connect the dancers and build a strong and close community in Delft. Although several small communities were already present, the dream was to combine this all and create one organization for all.
To make this dream come true, promotion materials, a membership form and a logo were made hurriedly once the sponsorship from the TU Delft was arranged in August 2016.
During the Delft introduction week (the Owee) of 2016, Blue Suede Shoes made its first public appearance. With a lot of help from lovely friends, music to dance on, a foldable table and tons of enthusiasm, the association made its way into the student dancing world.
From the start Blue Suede Shoes developed fast, thanks to the enormous effort and enthusiasm of all the former boards, committees and members. At this moment, we are a thriving association with over 100 members. Among others, we offer weekly practice hours, workshops, monthly Ballroom parties, Argentine Tango Milongas and fun social events to strengthen this close community. Literally a (dancing) dream came true!