Starting to do competitions can be a daunting prospect. To help members get started they can join our competition team. Experienced dancers that have been dancing competitions for a longer time will help you get started and make you realize that in fact, competition dancing is not so scary at all! These dancers also give guided practices once in a month, so if you need some feedback on your dancing, you can always ask them for advice. On top of that, within the team travel to competitions is arranged. Lastly, in collaboration with the competition committee, multiple bootcamps and workshops are organized throughout the year, where you can work on exciting and new subjects in your dancing.
Team Delft NTDS and ETDS
The NTDS is an abbreviation for National Tournament of Dancing Students, the ETDS is the European variant of this. These tournaments are great fun for all levels, but especially for beginners. At the beginning of the tournament you will be placed in class with people of the same level. There is even a different class for people that have danced for less than a year! On top of the competition part, the evenings are filled with parties!
The NTDS/ETDS’s are organized three times a year, and are truly a delight for everyone that enjoys ballroom dancing. If you’d like to know more, don’t be afraid to contact us!